iOS 9 was launched in September alongside the iPhone 6S, 6S Plus and iPad Pro and brought many new features and upgrades, but it’s not a perfect OS, as it has its flaws that Apple tried to solve in the next updates. Anyway, below we’ll tell you everything that you need to know about the new operating system and its changes.
Every time Apple launches a new operating system, most of the older are eligible to upgrade to the latest version. So, iOS 9 is now compatible with the iPhone 4S and later, iPod touch 6th generation, iPad 2, iPad 3rd generation with a 30-pin dock connector, iPad 4th generation with a lightning port, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini, Mini 2, Mini 3 and 4, and it comes preinstalled on the iPad Pro.
The new features and changes that have been introduced in iOS 9 are related to:
Keyboard – which will notify you when the caps lock feature is enabled, it will change the upper case with a lower case when the Shift key is pressed, and if you’re using an iPad, then with the new cursor mode you will be able to make a text selection by pressing two fingers on the keyboard, while on the iPhone 6S you’ll do the same task by utilizing 3D touch to force-touch the keyboard.
News – is a new application which keeps you up to date with the latest events that happen around the globe. You are able to read personalized articles from you favorite publications, but in English language.
Notes – the application has been upgraded, so now, besides taking notes, now you can organize them into Folders and add images or attachments to them etc.
Maps – the application includes now new Transit directions for public transportation (buses, trains etc.) and moreover, you’ll see the locations that accept Apple Pay, so you can pay for the tickets using this payment system.
Multitasking – this feature is available on the iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro and with it, you can run two applications side by side.
Proactivity – this feature will monitor the way you use the operating system and will react accordingly. To give you an example, when you use the headphones, then you launch a VoIP app multiple times, this feature will “understand” that whenever you plug your headphones into the headphone jack, the application you’re using the most will appear on the Lock Screen.
Wallet – it’s the former Passbook app and it can store passes and Apple Pay cards, and it allows you to work with merchants that accept payments made with Apple Pay, along with loyalty cards, which are scanned.
3D Touch – this feature is available only on the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, and it provides access to additional menus and features that are triggered by force-touching the screen.
Longer Battery Life – Apple has extended the battery life by up to two hours on specific devices.
Version history
After the launch of the iOS 9 in September, Apple has launched the iOS 9.0.1 update on September 23, iOS 9.0.2 on September 30, iOS 9.1 with support for iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, while the latest update is iOS 9.2 and brought a bunch of bug fixes.
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