Supercell unfolded a new update for the Clash of Clans game and the latter included the 1 gem boost. What does this mean exactly? Basically it will permit gamers to boost the gold as well as the elixir, so you can get your hands on more coins.
Back in December, Clash of Clans received the major update that came along with some changes (Town Hall 11, alterations regarding the shields) and others. The latter update seemed to trouble players as more and more complaints started to pop-up on the forums. To fix this, Supercell is planning to release more updates as the previous ones are not enough.
In other news, the 1 Gem boost is a big deal right now, since it gives gamers the chance of improving the speed of their gold, elixir and dark elixir drills. So, get to it if you want to enhance your profits!
Boost available for barracks, spells & heros
The 1 gem boost has been extended to work for everything in the Clash of Clans. So, now for one gem, when you build a barrack for the troops, the timing can be increased by 4x for a whole hour. Your troops will increase in number, so go ahead and grab as much loot as you can.
Spell Factory and Dark Spell factory are also included in this boost process as well as the heroes. Spells will end four times quicker for a 1-hour period and it will only cost you one gem. The 4-hour break is also important, this being known among gamers as “Personal Break Timer” and with it you can’t cheat your way though this game.
The 1 Gem Boost expires on 7th of January
This boosting period will last a whole week. The magic will come to an end on the 7th of January 2016. So, now it’s the time to benefit from this update and boost everything in Clash of Clans.
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