Nokia has recently launched a new version of the ever so popular 3310 model at the Mobile World Congress a couple of days ago. Irrespective of the fact that the handset is not as retro as we would have thought it would, the previous model which was launched 17 years ago got its well-known fame from being virtually indestructible and having a battery which would last for weeks on end without having to recharge it.
The brand new 3310 is lacking any features and is considered to be a dumb phone, not a smartphone in disguise. Nevertheless, it still takes us back to the old days where handsets still came with a T9 keyboard and next to no features which set them apart from one another.
Its design feels a little bit rounded around the edges as opposed to their previous clunky model and has slimmed down quite a bit. The format however remains the same in the sense of having a screen on top and a keyboard below.
The phone is slimmer as it has only 12.8mm in thickness but can be perfectly fitted within any pocket. There is no real change to the device’s software or interface and the handset has no touchscreen so people still have to use physical keys to navigate through the menu. It has a 2.4 inch display with 240 x 320 resolution and it’s now colorful.
For those people out there who cherish nostalgia, there is a brand new Snake game which comes preinstalled in the device and is not the same one which people remember from the old handset. It feels more vivid and has some interesting new functions but there is nothing much to it.
The device comes with no Wi-Fi or 3G as it is a basic machine built with a dual-band 2.5G connection designed for texting and talking. There is however a nice addition to it as it has Bluetooth as well as a microSD slot and a 3.5mm headphone jack. People will be able to use it as a music player and a device able to give and receive calls and texts.
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