The say cheese phrase is going to get much real than it is right now. The brand new Samsung Galaxy S8 which will have its launch date on the 29th of March is rumored to have facial recognition features added to its already amazing array of features in order for users to unlock their handsets much easier.
Not only will it come as a neat security feature which is additional to the already bullet-proof iris scanner as well as the fingerprint sensor but it will also give way to some amazing possibilities such as making online payments only with your face with the help of Samsung Pay.
The addition to the Facial Recognition Software might come in handy as users will be more comfortable in unlocking their phones since Samsung has chosen to move their fingerprint scanner near the camera on the back of the device instead of building it within the home button as customary with previous models.
Samsung’s face camera will do the work in terms of unlocking the work and it will take less than 1 second to unlock devices with facial recognition according to some officials who work for the South Korean tech giant. In addition to this amazing security feature, Samsung Galaxy S8 will also use the iris scanning to unlock the device.
The unlocking capabilities of the Samsung Galaxy S8 were first presented in the Note 7 device which proved out to be a complete failure due to some spontaneous combustion problems. The feature will be probably brought back to life within the S8 and this method of unlocking a device uses the unique patterns which are present in our eyes as identification.
Apple is going to have a run down for their money if the rumors regarding the features present with the S8 are going to be true. Not only will they have to come up with an outstanding device to rival Samsung on the already competitive market but they will also have to come up with some unique and amazing features in order for their rivalry to stay as it is.
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