In this amazing game, humanity is dependent on warriors who have been woken from the past and sent to defend our chance to have a future.
Starting this game for the first time is exciting and daunting in equal measure. From the moment of your unexpected awakening in the Cosmodrome to crossing the barren landscape of the Divide and learning the ways of a guardian, Destiny 2 is a gripping encounter that will test your gaming skills to the limit.
Savvy players who are looking for a quick heads-up and some useful guidance on playing the game might visit the best Destiny 2 boosting services shop in order to prepare themselves for what lies ahead
Meanwhile, let’s take a good look at what Destiny 2 is all about and learn some tips and tricks that will help you to successfully navigate your way around the game and controls.
Starting a new quest
One of the most important things to remember when you get started with Destiny 2 is that a critical function that needs to be deployed immediately is your ghost.
Deploying your ghost will enable you to view the map and various selection options.
If you are playing Destiny 2 on a PC it is a simple case of hitting your TAB button to deploy your ghost. This action will also give you the opportunity to deploy your Sparrow if this is available, plus, open the Director, or return to orbit.
When you open the director this gives you access to the map and pinpoints. It also displays an in-game store, together with social options and season rewards information.
Another thing that happens when you deploy your ghost is you get to see your current waypoint. A white diamond shape will appear on your screen. This can help provide guidance in relation to the direction of your objective with each new quest.
Collecting bounties
One of the most important aspects attached to leveling up and gaining rewards is collecting and completing bounties.
The director feature allows you to view your progress in these tasks so you can keep tabs on how many quests and bounties you collect and what progress you are making. Be mindful that weekly bounties are advantageous as they deliver a greater number of XP rewards as well as other potential rewards too.
When you are a new light player you will meet your first NPC vendor, known as Shaw Han, in the Cosmodrome. The purpose of this introduction is so that Shaw can deliver an in-game tutorial on bounties in preparation for when you meet more vendors across the solar system, and in the tower also.
Now it’s time to take a look at navigating the universe in Destiny 2.
Completing a lost sector
A critical quest that you will need to complete on your journey will be completing a lost sector. This is a PvE activity that involves encounters with combatants from a variety of races, meeting a boss enemy, and an unlockable treasure chest.
You have the option to tackle these alone or you can call upon the assistance of two other guardians.
Remember, there are a fair number of lost sectors dotted around each planet. That means you have plenty of opportunities to collect rewards for the wanted enemies that you will discover within every one.
Look for the lost sector symbol on the world map. Once you find it, it will continue to be highlighted and you will be able to continue earning rewards for every completion.
It is also important to utilize the world map to help you find the lost sector as part of your New Light experience. The lost sector is in the Forgotten Shore section of the cosmodrome. You will see the lost sector symbol as you approach the section. It marks the spot where you enter.
Understanding currencies
You will soon discover that there are numerous currencies available to use with Destiny 2.
As you would expect, all of these currencies will present you with the chance to acquire new items or bounties. You can also use currencies to upgrade your armor and weapons.
The majority of players who are new to Destiny 2 tend to start by collecting the currency of the last city, which is Glimmer. This is a good starting point when it comes to currencies as it is a form of programmable matter that can be used either for craft or as fuel.
Obtaining planetary resources
As well as using currencies for gear upgrades and purchases there is also the option of using planetary resources. These resources are available to guardians across the universe.
They can be used as an alternative to currency when purchasing things such as Enhancement Cores and Upgrade Modules. The reason for obtaining these is that they offer a way of advancing your power.
Destiny is often best as a shared experience
It is well worth highlighting at this point that Destiny 2 has been designed in a way that it is a game where playing with friends can really enhance your experience.
The game designers have made it easy to hook up with your friends. Search them out using the roster tab in the director. That menu gives you the option to create a new fireteam or join an existing one.
If you are looking for help with a specific activity you can find your friends using this menu. There is also the option of getting to know some new players and making more friends at this point.
There is even an official Destiny 2 companion app that has a fireteams feature, so you aren’t short of ways to make Destiny 2 a shared gaming experience. It can also be helpful to get the assistance of other players if there is a part of the game you are struggling with. That is also an area where boosting can provide a solution.
Understanding the heads-up display
There is a dazzling array of data at your disposal and it makes sense to learn about the heads-up display so that you can use the information to your advantage and check your progress.
You won’t have any issues identifying threats to humanity, for instance, as the shots will be coming at you and your allies. You can gain valuable intel using the display as it displays enemy names as well as shield and health totals too.
There is a tracker in the corner that highlights potential threats that are approaching from various other vectors. The tracker shows the threats in red. Making it easy to spot and giving a quick heads-up as to the direction where danger is heading your way.
There is a display for available ammo and current weapons. Ability cooldowns and ammo totals are simple to confirm because they are grouped together on the display.
You will notice that the white shield gauge becomes depleted when you get hit and the damage is registered accordingly. At the point that your shield shatters, you will immediately notice that hazards start depleting your red health gauge. Keep a close eye on this information as your guardian will perish if the health gauge becomes fully depleted.
A good course of action to avert this disastrous consequence would be to take a rest behind suitable cover, away from enemy attacks. This allows your shield time to regenerate.
If you want to know what rewards you have earned this information is displayed on the right-hand side of your screen. Invariably, this is likely to be Glimmer, as well as other forms of currency. It also includes armor and weapons extracted from loot caches, as well as engrams collected from vanquished targets.
The best time to check out your character screen to see if you have received an upgrade that is worth equipping immediately is when there is a break in the action, rather than straight after you have picked up a piece of gear.
Learning the basics
Now that you have more of an insight into the mechanics of the game and how to interpret displays it’s time to learn the basics of gameplay in Destiny 2.
Your introductory mission will feature a few of the various different enemies and weapon types that you will be encountering throughout. You will also be given an insight into the various powers a guardian is capable of.
Your primary tool for this first mission will be kinetic weapons. They are highly effective when it comes to inflicting direct damage on unshielded targets, but far less effective when used on shielded opponents.
You will be using energy weapons as a way of dealing elemental damage. This feature allows your weapon to melt through enemy shields in a way that is far more effective than kinetic weapons are capable of.
You can earn bonus damage if you are able to break your enemy’s color-coded elemental shield. You have to use the corresponding element to achieve this aim.
The various shield colors represent different elements –
Blue shields – Arc
Orange shields – Solar
Purple shields – Void
Be aware that energy weapons are often weaker than kinetic weapons when used against unshielded opponents.
Power weapons
Power weapons are capable of inflicting much greater damage than energy or kinetic weapons.
You will soon find that they are strong and resilient against almost any target, but they are particularly adept when challenging foes. You can identify these foes using the yellow health bar indicator.
The downside is that power weapons are quite a blunt instrument and can prove quite unwieldy. Another negative aspect is the fact that you are not able to carry much in the way of reserve ammo for power weapons.
Understanding engrams
You will come across loot items known as engrams on a regular basis in your role as a guardian.
They are often randomly discarded by enemies who you have just defeated or as a reward for completing different activities. Engrams are basic rewards in the form of weapons and gear. They offer a cumulative advantage by helping you gain overall power. You might also be given an attribute that suits your style of play.
Here are the colors and what each colored engram represents –
These encrypted engrams deliver what can be termed as rare equipment. They are decrypted when you pick them up.
This is an exotic engram. As the name implies, it grants you a selection of so-called exotic equipment. This means that each weapon or gear offers a unique perk.
This color represents legendary engrams and that means you will be granted “legendary” equipment that will be decrypted upon collection.
Shiny Purple
This color refers to a prime engram. The difference is that it can be decrypted to a higher-level gear up to the soft cap level. A distinguishing feature of the shiny purple engram is that it has to be decrypted by a Cryptarch.
This represents the Eververse engram. It can be decrypted into a whole host of things such as mods, ghost ships, and cosmetics.
If you need to decrypt an engram you have the option to either visit Tess Everis or the Eververse vendor. You also have the option to decrypt directly using the store tab in director.
In-game hints
When it comes to precision shots and weak points, it is well worth knowing that the majority of enemies have a weak point that you can target in order to inflict the maximum level of damage.
It is easy to tell if you have successfully exploited this weak spot as the damage numbers are displayed in yellow. It is also worth knowing that the weak point is actually the only vulnerable point with some enemies. This is especially relevant during boss encounters.
If a guardian’s shield is busted and their health is completely depleted they will be downed and leave behind a glowing sphere of their essence. However, other guardians could bring them back by standing close to them and using the revive prompt.
There are lots more aspects and features to learn about as you find your way around Destiny 2. Navigating the universe and using all the features to the best of your advantage takes time.
There is always the option of getting professional guidance by using a boosting service. This will boost your own knowledge as you shadow them, and enhance your game experience at the same time.
great article!