When we’re talking about antivirus software, we’re talking about some serious thing: the privacy of your information. Thankfully, there are lots such software available on the market, many of them being in the business for tens of years now, so they have quite an experience with all kinds of malware. An even better part is the fact that the companies that grew offering desktop protection are now offering protection for Android too, which is great!
Four of the most reliable and long-standing names on the antivirus market are AVG, Avast, Kaspersky and McAfee. Let’s see a brief comparison between them and which one is the best!
Avast Mobile Security and Antivirus
You can enjoy the core features of this antivirus for free, but if you want a premium subscription you have to pay $14.99 a year. The premium version brings extra functionalities such as locking the app or using some advanced anti-theft strategies.
The virus scanner will search all the installed apps, the files you have on the SD card and the system settings. Moreover, it will also check up any app you will install right upon its installation. It also brings security measures on the Internet, such as notification when you enter a phishing site or deleting malicious cookies.
The next antivirus to analyze is the AntiVirus Security app powered by AVG. You can perform virus scans manually whenever you want, or you can set a particular interval for them to start automatically. They will also search all the apps you installed, the system settings and the partitions you have.
What makes it different than the rest of the apps is the fact that it brings a task killer and a monitor for the data usage. These tools help your device remain at the best speeds, not to mention that they help you keep the costs low for the mobile data. You are even notified when you enter a phishing site. The main features are free, but you can also get extra functions for $14.99 a year.
The Kaspersky Internet Security is an app developed by the Kaspersky Lab. It also offers you the possibility of scheduling virus scans or running them manually. Naturally, all the apps and files stored on the device will be scanned for malware and other malicious apps.
With Kaspersky you can identify, locate and delete the device even if it gets stolen or if you lose it. What’s even better is that you don’t have to pay for this feature. Besides, it lest you block calls and texts, but only starting with Android 4.4 KitKat. If you subscribe to this antivirus, you can enjoy additional features (for example, real-time app scanning and security on the web) and you have to pay $14.95 every year.
The app developed by the Intel team working for McAfee is called McAfee Security & Antivirus. You get to take advantage of the web security for free, as well as the Privacy feature, which shows apps that request too many permissions. Just like with the other apps, you can scan the device for viruses manually or automatically, and you can schedule them.
The team also offers you a backup feature, with which you can save texts, call logs or contacts. Another interesting feature is the battery optimizer that is included with the app, which closes the apps and turns of the settings that use up much battery. All these features are free, which may make you ask why would you even pay. However, if you decide to pay $29.99 a year, you can enjoy 2 GB cloud storage in a secure manner, plus you can access the help hotline at McAfee.
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