Given the fact that the Moto G5 Plus has been launched in India recently, you now have three great devices to choose from in case you want to change your phone. Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 has been a success since its release in January, and Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) has finally been … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) vs. G5 Plus – Which One to Choose?
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017)
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) vs. OnePlus 3T – Which one better satisfies an user’s needs?
A decade ago, you barely had any mobile phones to choose from. Sure, there were quite a few options, but in terms of quality there were just a couple models that everyone knew. The rest were phones that people would just get out of not affording the good models. That’s not the … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) vs. OnePlus 3T – Which one better satisfies an user’s needs?
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) vs. Honor 8 – Best Specs and Features Comparison
Ever since Samsung released the Galaxy A5 (2017), many people have expressed their interest in the new device. The South Korean company seems to be performing better and better from year to year when it comes to the A series. However, their main rival is Honor 8, which is quite … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) vs. Honor 8 – Best Specs and Features Comparison
Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 Impressions and Newest Features
We cannot deny the success Samsung has been having on the smartphone market lately. On one side we have the Galaxy S7, while on the other side there is the Galaxy J2, a budget phone. In the middle, between the two of them, we have the Galaxy A5 (2017). It is the latest version of … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 Impressions and Newest Features
OnePlus 3T vs. Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) – Best Specs and Features Comparison
The competition among smartphones is more and more harsh since there are new devices constantly entering the market and gaining fans. However, in the middle range, Samsung is one of the most successful companies. Their latest release is the Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) model, which … [Read more...] about OnePlus 3T vs. Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) – Best Specs and Features Comparison